Membership Information

To join the LPPOA community and utilize the Lake and surrounds, please click here to fill out our membership form and send in your membership dues.  The LPPOA is offering a straight $300 annual membership fee.

Welcome to our neighborhood, and thank you for your interest in LPPOA membership.  We would like to see you, our neighbor, occupy a chair at our meetings, give your opinions on subjects that are of vital interest to the community, join us for social events, and lend a hand to help maintain the facilities passed down to us by our Association founders.

In order to keep our association solvent and healthy while being respectful of our members’ personal, familial, and professional commitments, we ask that each member commit to volunteering a minimum of once per year.  For any given project that the member might volunteer for, if on that day, he or she is unable to be present, we request that he or she should see that another person can substitute.

For our children, teens and young adults, we should all try to impress upon our own the importance of care for the Lake House, the lake, and its surroundings.  The Lake House is our house — your house — my house.  Consequently, it is their house — which makes it all the more imperative that they help to give our communal property the care it deserves.
Membership dues go directly to the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds: property taxes, insurance, heating oil, utility bills.  There are no salaried caretakers, cleaners, maintainers, or repairmen employed by the LPPOA.  We all volunteer our time for the sole purpose of making our Lake House, lake, grounds, and our community a better place to live.

For highlights of our history, please click here.

To join us please use the link presented at the top of this page, call (914) 222-3930 or e-mail us at

All members, renters, and guests must abide by the Lake and Lake House Rules & Regulations.  Please make yourself familiar with them.

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